Archive: Day 20, Month 9, Year 2021

(Last update: 12 September 2021)

Press Release on the Global Climate Strike

20 September 2021 in Press Releases

We, Filmmakers for Future, endorse the 10-point call for intersectional climate justice by Fridays for Future and will strike alongside them on 24th September 2021.

We demand the governments of the world to stop ignoring the predictions of the scientific community and to ambitiously protect the future generations of humankind through concrete socially just and inclusive measures!

We call on all film funding agencies, producers, policy and decision-makers, film crews, actresses and actors to strictly adhere to sustainable production practices, to issue and adopt their own policies based on the latest scientific research and publications - such as the third leaked IPPC report - and to use and distribute financial resources specifically for projects that are in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement and limiting global warming to 1.5°C.